[CANCELLED] 2Q12 Dallas County EmCom Meet & Greet [CANCELLED]
Post date: Feb 06, 2012 10:19:13 PM
The 2nd Quarter 2012 Dallas County EmCom Meet & Greet has been cancelled due to the Dallas Red Cross being active for remediation from the recent severe weather events.
To all,
The time, date and location for the second quarter Dallas County EMCOM Meet and Greet has been confirmed. It will be Saturday April 7th from 0900 to 1200 at the Dallas Chapter of the American Red Cross, 4800 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75235.
The best time to get to know each other and get accustomed to working together is before disaster strikes. That's what this event is all about. Our emergency communicators do a lot of their training over the air. This event is intended to give them some much needed "face time". I am requesting some of our regional command/communications equipment be brought out for static displays so that they can also see "the other end". It is possible that the may some day be asked to staff or assist in one of these vehicles.
I also want our emergency communicators to be familiar with the capabilities of our non-governmental agencies. Our first quarter event was at the Texas Baptist Men's facility in Dallas. In addition to meeting other emergency communicators face to face and becoming familiar with the rolling communications stock, they got first hand experience with the many ministries that TBM operates. I would like to do the same with the Red Cross. If possible I would like for tours of the facility.
At the risk of wearing them out, I am asking Denton to bring Goliath out to this event. I am also requesting Barry Turner with the City of Frisco to bring out his command/communication vehicle that I am told is affectionately called "David". Jerry Jones will be working one getting the counterpart from the City of Dallas.
I hope to see everyone there. Please let me know if there are any comments or questions regarding this matter.
Andy Carstarphen - WY5V
Dallas County HSEM - EMCOM
Amateur Radio Officer